Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 12, 2018


  What is activated carbon coconut shells?

Activated carbon coconut shells are one of the materials for water purification, deodorization and deodorization are very effective and increasingly popular. What is activated carbon coconut shells, how to produce activated charcoal? How to distinguish coconut shells charcoal and charcoal?

How to produce coconut shells

- Coconut shells: The farmer collects coconut shells from the coconut plantation, selects the old coconut shells hard enough to not shred into carbon black in later stages.

Coal of coconut shells in the kiln

Coconut shell charcoal: The coconut shells are allowed to pass through the tunnel to become coconut shells in the absence of oxygen at a high temperature of about 1200 degrees Celsius.

This is the pre-charcoal charcoal stage of the peasant's coconut charcoal, after coming out of the cellar in the shape of a giant slab.

- Charcoal: Coconut shells are added to the grinder to grind to a size smaller than 3 × 6 and 4 × 8 mesh (more uniform in size). The byproducts of this process are coconut shells 6 × 12, 8 × 20 and coconut shells.

Coconut shell charcoal from the oven after tunnel

-Than coconut shells: In order to have a foam structure and lighter, coconut shells must undergo steam activation. The 3 × 6, 4 × 8 coconut shell charcoal will be fed into the giant rotary kiln at 950oC. At high temperatures, carbon in coconut shells reacts chemically with water vapor and some other chemicals that create a lot of pores inside the coal, forming a new product called activated carbon. .

Distinguishing coconut shells and charcoal

- Based on the characteristics of activated carbon with empty structure, we can distinguish by taking some coal into the clear water, if the bubbling effect is much effervescent, it is activated charcoal usually will not effervescent. foam

-Than electrical activity should use light bulb to test if the light is activated carbon, not light is coconut shells.

-Than will absorb, filter water as well as deodorize much better than coconut shells.

Where is the active carbon sold?

Viet Delta Corporation is the distributor of activated carbon coconut shells

Contacts us

Add: 20/5 Dinh Bo Linh Street, Ward 24, Binh Thanh  Dist, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

Phone: +84 028 3511 9589 - 028 3899 8085


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